Caregiver Services, Inc.

News and Resources

Welcome Caregivers! 

Please visit this page from time to time to get the latest news on continuing education opportunities and other items that affect you. 

If you need to report your caregiving hours, please do so here: Caregiving Hours Reporting Form
Please report hours by the third of each month. 

If you need to report continuing education hours, please do so here: Continuing Education Reporting Form

Circle of Care Caregiver Newletter

Posts tagged CE
All the free continuing education you need! Woo hoo!

Hi everyone! I wanted to let you know about an Oregon state resource you can use to quickly obtain the hours you need to maintain your status at Circle of Care, and learn some cool stuff at the same time. 

The State of Oregon, specifically Oregon Care Partners, maintains this site where you can access a vast array of free, mostly online hour-long courses. They have everything from Approaching Alzheimer's (focused on EMTs but useful for everyone) to Person-Centered Care, to medication education, to creative activities to enrich the lives of those with dementia. It's a great resource. All these courses are free, and they are online for you to complete at your convenience. 

Remember, you must complete three hours per year of CE to stay with our registry (or any Oregon registry.) As a professional myself, I know the importance of getting CE done before it piles up at the end of the year. And besides, these courses actually contain useful skills that you can put to work immediately! 

You can click on the link above, or here: Check it out!

Shannon Brown